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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Fourth of July Fiasco

A mixed bag of a day at Community Park.

Some parts were fun. Chatting breathlessly and brainlessly with strangers about the virtues of boutique popcorn was the highlight.

But as a fundraiser it left much to be desired. Faced at the end of the evening with an insurmountable number of Dickey's sandwiches to sell, we flogged them well below cost, and gave at least a 100 to a homeless shelter. So, we did the right thing; just paid heavily for the privilege. I'd be surprised if we did as much as broke even. Ordering too much was part of it, but unit price was low only because order was large. If we had halved the order unit price would have been higher. So we gambled and lost, big time.

I'll never again give Dickey's the benefit of the doubt. Better to eat dog food.

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