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Monday, July 20, 2015

Chicago's Biggest Employer

I like the superlatives in this article about El Chapo. A brand-new chapter in our fascination with gangsters ------:
"Chicago renamed him "Public Enemy No. 1" after the escape. El Chapo is only the second crime boss named such by Chicago authorities, with Al Capone in 1930 being the first. El Chapo’s Sinaloa Cartel is said to employ as many as 100,000 Chicagoans among that city’s gangland, as the city, once Capone’s, is now the American hub of the largest drug operation on earth....Seemingly immediately following his escape, songs celebrating the prison break made their way onto rap tracks. ...That escape will go down as one of the greatest: A mile-long tunnel complete with an elevator, electricity, air conditioning, telephones and a motorcycle rigged onto a track to expedite passage."

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