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Monday, June 29, 2015

On Why The Change Was So Swift

For several days, the fallback defense regarding the Confederate flag at the South Carolina statehouse was that only the people of South Carolina should decide on the question, but the question was hot enough that elected officials quickly snatched that option away. I liked the explanations here:

"As a Charleston resident, I’ve noticed that there seem to be two main catalysts driving the removal of the flag—at least here in South Carolina.

First and foremost, a member of the South Carolina Senate was murdered. Not just any member, but a very highly respected and very well liked member. ....

Secondly, I credit social media. Within a few days, nearly everyone began to associate the Confederate flag with the images of Dylann Roof either waving it or posing with it on his car’s license plate. It created enough pressure to make Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham both change their minds and call for the flag to come down."

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