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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Help Me From The Consequences Of My Own Actions

Of all the dumb ideas:
The organizer of an anti-Muslim hate rally in Phoenix, Arizona now says he needs patriots to donate $10 million to him so that his family can be safe from Muslims – even though none threatened him.

We all saw it coming, but 10 million?!

According to Jon Ritzheimer, he doesn’t fear for his own safety (because he’s a tough guy) but his family has been put in harm’s way by his actions, and therefore he humbly asks that Fox News watchin’, Muslim-hatin’ America lovers please give him $10 million so he can fortify his house.
I never saw a business opportunity in drawing the Prophet Mohammed. It sounded provocative, insulting, and maybe dangerous. I figured I couldn't even eke out a living doing that. Even sidewalk portrait artists in touristy places like Old Sacramento have a hard time making a go of it. Still, who knew there might be a business niche in appealing to the public for self-protection? GoFundMe dropped him, however, so maybe it's not such a robust business model after all. How about blackmail? If you don't pay me a bunch of money, I'll spray paint a portrait of the Prophet Mohammed on the wall of your business? That sounds more lucrative, without all those annoying death threat issues.

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