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Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Warning

A fellow in a white sweatshirt with eyeglass frames in the manner of fanned playing cards, reminiscent of a downmarket Elton John, was stepping into traffic at 19th & J, shouting and waving his arms at passing cars with a most dire warning that we all had to leave right away. "Why?" I asked. He bounded across the street through traffic to tell me.

He explained that he was homeless, had no money, and that another penniless homeless man at the McDonald's up the street had been shot by someone from whom he had asked change. He had seen the whole thing. They didn't get the shooter, who likely came down J Street, and thus we all might be in danger, and so we should all leave right away! As he told the story, he confused 'they' and 'them', so it was very unclear exactly who the shooter was: a cop, or some anti-social loner, another homeless guy, or someone else. I shook my head and said, "That doesn't make any sense." He said, "I know! That's why it's important that you leave right now!"

Not surprisingly, there's nothing in the media about anyone getting shot. Things right now are about as somnolent as a large city can get. Still, I'm going to leave this neighborhood RIGHT NOW! 'Cause reasons!

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