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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Murderous Bikers

Not wanting to get overly-paranoid or anything, but I noticed some Hells Angels parked at the Truxel Hooters Saturday night here in Sacramento. Is it a biker thing to do in May? Confab with rivals in a silicone-heavy neutral zone? And what went wrong in Waco?

I always like reading Badtux the Snarky Penguin, and his explanation of why many guns didn't lead to exceeding politeness in Waco:
"It doesn’t work like that because of the most fundamental problem with anarchy theory, Communism, and capitalism for that matter: The problem that mankind is a bunch of jumped up baboons with delusions of grandeur and with all of the tribal-based territorial behaviors of baboons. Baboons live in tribes led by an alpha male and when they encounter other tribes of baboons that want to use the same territory, much screeching, howling, and fighting occurs as each tribe attempts to assert dominance. The only reason baboons haven’t wiped each other out is that they have never invented guns.

Well, at least the *hairy* baboons have never invented guns. As for the hairless ones, they breed like rats, so that sort of explains why *they* haven’t wiped each other out."

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