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Wednesday, May 20, 2015


It's simple strategy. If you remove Iraq as a power, as the U.S. did in 2003, then you guarantee the rise of Iran as the greatest power in the area. The reason is simple. Iraq is a majority Shiite nation, which means it looks to Tehran for direction, not Washington. For example, Ahmed Chalabi, who used to be Dubya's best friend in Iraq and State of the Union guest, spends his time these days wheedling Iranian politicians, Hezbollah, and other Shiite groups, because that's where the power (such as it is these days) is located. If you don't like Iran, do not weaken Iraq. And stop blaming the resulting miserable morass of Middle East politics on Obama.
“Everybody else wants to ask that question of, ‘Gee, would you have gone into Iraq if you’d known what you know now?’” Gohmert complained to Virginia talk radio host John Fredericks.

“If President Bush had known that he would have a total incompetent follow him that would not even be able to negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq and start helping our enemies and just totally put the Middle East in chaos, then he would have to think twice about doing anything if he had known he would have such a total incompetent leader take over after him,” Gohmert said. “That should be the question.”

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