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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Weekend With Bella

[Saturday] Walking Bella has allowed me to reacquaint myself with the neighborhood. This morning, we came across Bob Baxter at the RSP rehearsal space. I explained to Bella that the stack of small orphan beds was probably from a production of "Annie". Bella now wants to play Sandy. I explained she's unsuited-the wrong color, too undisciplined-but you know how it is when you get your hopes up. She wants me to make it up to her with yet another walk.

[Sunday] On this morning walk, Bella finds ways to embarrass: provoking the homeless guy's weird little dog, or chasing the jaundiced-looking cat under the bushes. She jumped on a parked car, because she could see a Guy Fawkes mask leering from the back seat window. Anonymous, like I'd like to be right now.

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