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Monday, March 30, 2015

For The Moment, Caring For Bella, The Labrador Retriever

On Wednesday, she was over at my place. I didn't get much sleep (3 hrs), not because she was causing any problem, but because it was weird to have a dog there. Many walks, bleary-eyed playtime at 7 a.m. - I don't know if I have the stamina. She's a very strong dog.

[UPDATE: Since it looks like Joe the Plumber and I had a mutual misunderstanding about the fate of Bella the Labrador Retriever, I'll keep her, this time, at most, for two weeks. Joe seemed to think he could kennel her at no cost indefinitely with me. This I will not do. Meanwhile, I've got leads about other, deserving dogs up for adoption.

Joe came over Sunday evening, to visit Bella, since he said he thought she was upset (She wasn't, but no need to reveal that). Talked a lot about handing out food at the church and beating up Wal-Mart security guards.]

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