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Monday, March 02, 2015

First Weekend Of "Sweeney Todd" at DMTC

A long and worrisome tech week is over!

The worrisome parts for me as Stage Manager were the sheer number of details to cover. We were fortunate that the cast finished the set early enough that there weren't too many last-minute details to handle, but still, the number of niggling little things that can go wrong and mar the production kept me in a sober frame of mind.

The most-worrisome thing is hastily hustling The Cube onstage at the end of "City on Fire". The Cube has to start moving before everyone is quite in position. On the night of Dress Rehearsal there was some sort of hand-off difficulty up front where I couldn't see (I was pushing in the back), and Karina, who was a curtain holder, got squashed between the rolling Cube and the proscenium. She sat dazed on the floor until we all-but-carried her to the dressing room. She suffered a cut too. It took about half an hour until we were sure she was more-or-less OK. It wasn't so much getting hit on the hip that hurt - the impact wasn't that hard, apparently - it was just that she had been hit on the same hip earlier in the day, so the impact compounded an existing injury.

So, sobriety above all!

Act I works so smoothly now! The pace of Act II is faster, so it's rougher, but hope to reduce it to clockwork too!

Kyra is a wonderful Assistant Stage Manager and Bloodmaster. She's crucial to success in this venture!

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