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Friday, January 02, 2015

Revenge of the Gym Equipment

Harry Reid had more to worry about than the GOP:
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid was discharged from a Las Vegas hospital Friday, after sustaining some nasty injuries during his home exercise routine.

...Reid broke several ribs and bones in his face when a piece of exercise equipment broke and he fell.

Adam Jentleson, the senator's communications director, told the Associated Press that the accident occurred when an elastic exercise band broke and hit Reid in the face, causing him to fall. As the senator fell, Jentleson said, Reid struck part of the equipment and broke several bones near his right eye. Reid then hit the floor and broke his ribs.

...Reid's security detail first brought him to St. Rose Dominican Hospital in Henderson, a Las Vegas suburb, after the accident occurred New Year's Day. He was transferred to the University Medical Center in Las Vegas for further testing and was admitted "as a precaution," the senator's office said.

Eric Schultz, a White House spokesman, said President Obama telephoned Reid while vacationing in Hawaii to wish the senator a "full and speedy recovery."

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