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Monday, January 05, 2015

Getting Excited About ABQ Trip!

I can't believe I'm on the schedule! I'm preparing a Power Point presentation for my talk at the 36th Annual Southwest/Popular Culture Association (SWPACA) entitled: "Up The Turquoise Trail" With The White Family: Native American History as Foreshadowing in "Breaking Bad". I'm scheduled for "Breaking Bad Session 3: Philosophy & History" (session chair Nick Gerlich) on Thursday, February 12, 2015 (3:00pm - 4:30pm), Grand Pavilion 6, Hyatt Hotel, Albuquerque, NM. If you are around, check it out!

The hard part, of course, is coming up with persuasive arguments for the academic audience. Persuasiveness is the weak point. I launched myself so far into the stratosphere of imagination that the only people I'll manage to persuade are the folks at Nazareth.

(That's an old Albuquerque joke. Nazareth Sanitorium, the famed psychiatric hospital, closed in 1973, but it starred in Breaking Bad as Casa Tranquila, where Gus Fring and Tio Salamanca met their ends, and lives on today as Fiesta Park, a medical resort for people recovering from complicated knee surgeries.)

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