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Thursday, January 01, 2015

Disappearing Act On New Year's Day

I've never seen so many pigeons at bird feeding this morning, yet now I can't see one for miles. I wonder if the enormous hawk in my tree knows where they all went?

[UPDATE: When I opened my back door early New Year's Day afternoon I startled the hawk. The hawk was actually on the ground, between the birch tree and the back fence. At first, partially-obscured by vegetation, I thought the bird was some kind of grouse. The small space of the back yard is hemmed in by hedges and trees and is unsuitable for the entry or presence of large birds. It had never occurred to me a hawk, even a small hawk, would ever attempt landing on the ground there. Something there the bird must like. A ring of rushes there forms a blind that could partially obscure a predator's presence. Handy information for a predator that stalks. The bird hopped on the fence and eventually flew up into the tree.

This morning, two cats were about, one inside and another just outside the yard. Attract the pigeons, and inevitably, predators appear....]

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