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Saturday, November 29, 2014

"The Hunger Games - Mockingjay - Part I"

Saw "Mockingjay - Part I" tonight. Liked it a lot! I'm struck how the District 13 assembly place is a slightly-updated version of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon. I've been thinking a lot about Panopticons lately, so to aid that think I bought a comic book summary of the work of Michel Foucault called "Foucault for Beginners" by Lydia Fillingham (because Foucault's writings on Discipline, Punishment and Panopticons can be a hard slog). Fillingham notes that Foucault would not have approved such a comic book, but he might have approved of Mockingjay, because of the many examples of Discipline.

Here is a nice cover:

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