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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Breaking Bad RV Tour

Trundling along the streets of Albuquerque on November 7, 2014 with Frank and Jackie Sandoval.

Inside the RV.

Dan C. from the UK at Jesse and Jane's house.

Crossroads Motel.

Wendy's Alley, behind the Crossroads Motel.

The A-1 Car Wash.

Among the guests was this adorable little Pomeranian from Los Angeles named Sophia Loren (and who will soon meet her namesake), who entered the Costume Contest and has her own blog: Little Dog in the Big City.

The A-1 Car Wash.

Cooking at the A-1 Car Wash.

Quite to my surprise, Bonny Holder was visiting the Padillas at the Walter White house when we pulled up in the RV.

Michael van V. from the Netherlands at the Walter White House.

With Jackie Sandoval at the Padilla's Walter White house (photo by Bonny Holder).

Delta Uniform and Laundry.

Inside the Laundry.

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