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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

I'll Never Find Those Statues

Trying to adequately respond to Linda Longmore Hayes' post (on Facebook) about the strange 8-bit Venus statue in Rhyolite, NV, I spent a fruitless hour paging through Web pages regarding Las Vegas from the Seventies. I remember a weird casino driveway being demolished on the Las Vegas Strip in about 1978. The driveway was lined by grotesque, chipped, gold-painted cement statues of muscle men. The bodies weren't anatomically-correct even, but full of inexplicable lumps, like the men had broken tendons, or something. They had gargoylish faces too, like their exercise regimens must have been way over the top. It seemed to be part of a Body Building fantasy land from the Sixties that had fallen on hard times, but it was erased so swiftly and completely from history, I can find no trace. It's only real impact was to make me fall in love with Las Vegas. I mean, where else on Earth would it occur to someone to make something like this? In any event, here is a video of 70's history, that emphasizes that the plot to the movie "Casino" was based on reality:

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