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Monday, June 16, 2014

Badtux Makes An Excellent Point About The Clashing Priorities Of War Enthusiasts Like John McCain

When Mosul fell, ISIS seized half a billion dollars in cash and over a billion dollars in war materiel. Is this a problem? Well, not really, if you follow the various enthusiasms of John McCain:
In Mosul, two divisions of the Iraqi Army, approximately 30,000 men armed with tanks and helicopters and all the other gear of a modern army, were confronted by 800 ISIS Islamist guerrillas. In an act of cowardice that made the ARVN look courageous, they dropped their weapons and ran. Not because they were faced with a superior force. Not because they were short on fuel and ammunition. No. They ran simply because they were cowards who didn’t want to fight. The ISIS Islamist guerrillas are now in possession of over $1B worth of American-made weapons abandoned by the Iraqi Army thanks to this act of cowardice that makes the ARVN look courageous.

...The only good news out of this is that now that ISIS has seized over $1B worth of American-made arms, President Obama no longer needs to get Congressional approval to send over $1B worth of arms to the Syrian rebels. Who are, err, ISIS.

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