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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Neo-Con Rubbish At "The New Republic"

I cast away my quarter-century TNR subscription ten years ago, in disgust at The Editors' calls to bear the weight of the world's responsibilities and, say, start a really-cool Crusade against the Islamists, and Iran, and similar deeply-juvenile, profoundly-ignorant rot. So, I check up on TNR every now and then to check on the state of the fever, and this article confirms it's just as bad as ever. America isn't reluctant in any way to insert itself internationally: quite the opposite. American reticence is a good thing. The United States needs a different, better foreign policy elite. Maybe it will get one eventually, but the old one has to die off first.

What a hopeless piece of shit:
In recent years, the world has picked up unmistakable signals that Americans may no longer want to carry the burden of global responsibility. Others read the polls, read the president’s speeches calling for “nation-building at home,” see the declining defense budgets and defense capabilities, and note the extreme reticence, on the part of both American political parties, about using force. The world judges that, were it not for American war-weariness, the United States probably would by now have used force in Syria—just as it did in Kosovo, in Bosnia, and in Panama.

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