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Monday, May 12, 2014

"Look What Bigfoot Did To Me"

After "A Chorus Line" on Sunday evening, Steve, Jan, and myself went to eat at Panda Express on Covell Blvd. in Davis. After eating, I was getting back into my parked car when I noticed two young women, late teens perhaps, sitting on the grass next to the street, and near my car. One held a homemade cardboard sign of the sort vagrants typically carry when begging for change at busy traffic intersections. Something was wrong with her hand. And she feebly called out for change.

I asked, "What does your sign say?" She showed me: "Look What Bigfoot Did To Me." She displayed her hand, locked tight in a cast, with the middle finger plastered into a semi-permanent flipping-the-bird gesture. I said, "Bigfoot did that to you?" She nodded and said, "Either that, or a skateboarding injury. Take your pick." I thought this was clever, and started reaching for the change bucket on my car's console, when she said, "Want to see the other sign of the sign?" I nodded, and she showed it. It said something like "I Have No Pants," or "I Need Pants." I looked askance at it, and she lamely explained that she uses it when she's wearing shorts. The slogan made no sense to me. It made my head hurt. I got the impression these girls weren't really pros at this whole begging for money at busy traffic intersections thing. Still, the Bigfoot slogan was clever, so I readily handed over change to these vagrant wannabes.

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