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Monday, May 05, 2014

Curtis Park May 5th City Council Candidates' Forum

Went to the Candidates' Forum at the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association (SCNA), to listen to Jay Schenirer and Ali Cooper present their positions.

Despite their differences in temperament (Schenirer thoughtful; Cooper younger and more strident) I was struck by the general agreement between the candidates. Their differences are more a matter of emphasis than anything else. There were two cases, however, where the candidates disagreed:

1.) Schenirer agrees with the general idea of a Strong Mayor system for Sacramento, and Cooper disagrees (I agree with Cooper); and,
2.) Cooper thinks that City Council members should be paid full-time, and Schenirer disagrees (I agree with Schenirer).

So, these differences are hardly decisive. My main concern is the rapidly-rising cost for City utilities, and both candidates seemed to have a fatalistic attitude about that.

So, I'll sleep on it....

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