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Friday, April 25, 2014

"It's Bad Luck To Say Good Luck On Opening Night"

As a performer, the expression I hate is "break a leg." Because sometimes you do break a leg.

Today, I went to Akebono Restaurant for the first time, and as I was passing around this cool-looking sculpture I snagged my foot on a stroller that was poorly-parked and protruding slightly into the path. Since the soles of my feet were wet from the rain outside, I slipped, toppled right over, and slammed onto the floor as forty people gasped in horror. A woman ran up and said "I'm a doctor. Are you all right? ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?"

Was all this drama necessary? Well, yes. I banged my knee, and hit my elbow real hard. Had it not been for the DMTC sweatshirt I was wearing, I probably would have fractured it.

So, onto the stage tonight! And please, no "break a leg." Not today, anyway.

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