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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Community Musical Theater Gathering (aka, a Wake) In Memory Of Tevye Ditter At Green Valley Theater Company - April 28, 2014

Green Valley Theater Company
Gil Sebastian, Tev's 'Theater Dad'
Tony Ruiz
Kyle Hadley
Lenore Sebastian, Tev's 'Theater Mom'
Jerry Kennedy
Amanda Johnston
Christopher Cook
Jeffrey Lloyd Heatherly. Jeffrey's reminisces were masterful and funny, particularly when playing Jud Fry in Magic Circle's "Oklahoma!" and having to physically intimidate Tev Ditter's Curley McClain, even though Tev was 3/4" taller.
Rebecca Wilson. Rebecca had the surprise-hit story of the evening, describing how a background in gymnastics helped her nightly as Mallory Kingsley seduce Tev Ditter's Private Eye Stone on stage in DMTC's "City of Angels". Someone leaned over and said "I don't know her, but she's making me uncomfortable. It's like we're getting a glimpse of her fantasy life." I replied, "You're uncomfortable: she used to be in the Young Performers' Theater!" But it was a great story, told well, and the crowd loved it.
Jon Koyasako, describing the Bottle Dance from "Fiddler on the Roof".
Andrea St. Clair was the consummate host.
Jacob Montoya sang several songs.
Dalton McNeely
Giorgio Selvaggio

Trial Before Pilate - The 39 Lashes - Jesus Christ Superstar - Wake For Tevye Ditter

"So In Love" - Andrea St. Clair (ft. the Barbieri family) - Wake for Tevye Ditter

Jacob Montoya - "Tomorrow" from "Annie" - Wake for Tevye Ditter

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