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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Meds Must Be Unbalanced

E.: MMMMMAAAAARRRRRCCCCC! Look at this article in the paper!
WASHINGTON — Dozens of seasoned militant fighters, including some midlevel planners, have traveled to Syria from Pakistan in recent months in what American intelligence and counterterrorism officials fear is an effort to lay the foundation for future strikes against Europe and the United States.

...Syria is an appealing base for these operatives because it offers them the relative sanctuary of extremist-held havens — away from drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan — as well as ready access to about 1,200 American and European Muslims who have gone there to fight and could be potential recruits to carry out attacks when they return home. Senior counterterrorism officials have voiced fears in recent months that these Western fighters could be radicalized by the country’s civil war.
M.: Well, that's not good.

E.: (Bursting into tears) What is wrong with them? Why do they have to come here? Don't they have a country of their own they can love and defend? I remember that day, 9/11 - it was the worst day of my life....

(147th repeated rendition of what the worst day of her life was like....)

What is wrong with them?

M.: Don't worry. Everything will be all right!

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