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Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Working On The Non-Functional Sprinkler System, With Joe The Plumber

Sitting in the Carl's Jr. on El Camino, near Del Paso, on Superbowl Sunday:

M: Do you have a favorite in the game?

Old Man: No, not a team; just the sport. I was a high school athlete! I just love it!

M.: That's nice!

J.: Like I was saying, things were fine in America until the Europeans came. Then they whipped our asses. But that's only because the Hebrews were whipping their asses. That's why, when Hitler first came along, he made a lot of sense. People didn't get that he was going to whip their asses too. Like I'm going to do with this guy here.....

(All this time, a patron at a nearby table was laughing. And twitching. Laughing and twitching. Twitching, and laughing, and nearly falling over. In most restaurants, patrons would slowly get up and ease away and maybe even call the police. This was the 'hood, however, where people are made of sterner stuff. So, families with little children quietly sat and politely ignored the Laughing Twitching Man as he stood up, bent over as if pretending to be a bull, and started running up and down the aisles of the restaurant.)

J.: Did I ever tell you that I had amnesia?

M.: That time you got beat up at the Stoney Inn and went to UCD Med Center for a week.

J.: No, not that time. When I was in the military!

M.: No.

J.: They feed you food that makes you forget. So you never, ever question orders.

M.: How do you know for sure?

J.: Good point.

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