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Saturday, February 22, 2014


The Southwest Popular/America Culture Association meeting in Albuquerque has been tons of fun, mostly because anybody can play, not just academics. Here are a few examples:

A religious scholar at UC Riverside named Sean Sagan is going to be doing his dissertation on evangelical pamplets, with a heavy emphasis on Jack T. Chick pamphlets. Great choice!

The sessions on Burlesque featured discussion of a new variety - Nerdlesque - that incorporates fandom in various ways - Superman, Batman, Ikea - whatever one can nerd out on. I was slow to realize that all the presenters were not just academics, but burlesque performers too. One scholar went TMI with a description of Nevada attractions. Hands on experience!

One Hunger Games panel presenter featured an apt comparison between Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley. It works!

My Breaking-Bad panel exposure went well, with a number of useful new contacts.

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