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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Annual Dessert Auction 2014 - DMTC

Christine Deamer's Strawberry Cake.

Katie Smith-Induni's Cake.

Richard Kleeberg obtained this brownie.

South Pacific theme.

Tessa Hickman's cake.

Katherine Coppola won this amazing cake!

Katie Smith-Induni's blueberry South Pacific cake (which I won, and which is quickly turning me into Violet Beauregarde.

Jen Nachmanoff's two sets of pottery cupcakes (I won the one on the left).

Travis Nagler

Dannette Vassar.

Jan Isaacson, and Katherine Coppola presenting cupcakes.

Steve and Jan Isaacson.

Giorgio and Karina Selvaggio.

John Ewing.

Dani Barnett.

Matt Taloff.

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