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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Time To Resume The Annual Homeless Battle In The Alley

I drove to work this evening, and as I was pulling out of the driveway, I noticed a homeless guy sleeping under the hedge, behind the garbage cans. I drove a short distance and pulled to the curb to call E. and alert her to that fact, since I knew she might go out to her car, and inadvertently startle him, or vice versa.

It's always hard to know the best course of action in these situations. Leave him alone, for the sake of peace, or confront him, for the sake of peace? Leaving E. to her own devices could be tricky, though. Would it be garden shears, or rocks, or a club?

Upon returning, the homeless guy was gone, the garbage cans had been moved, and two long trails of pee trailed away into the alley. I knew from the evidence what had happened:
M.: EEERRRRLLLYYYYNNNNDDDAAAAA! Oh, sorry to wake you up!

E.: mmmmmmm

M.: So, did you call the police?

E.: Yes. The non-emergency number. I told them there was a homeless guy sleeping next to the house. They asked me if I wanted them to knock on the door, and I said no, because I didn't want him to know who called.

M.: So, you saw the police arrive?

E.: Yes.

M.: I wonder if he's angry? He peed twice out there.

E.: He's the same guy who attacked you last year! I saw the dog!

M.: That weird little dog? So it's THAT guy again! I wonder if we'll start having problems again? I made peace with him, but who knows?

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