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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Friday Night At Sleep Train Arena Watching The Sacramento Kings And The LA Clippers

To my great surprise, I was invited by Giorgio to come with him Friday night and watch the Sacramento Kings beat the LA Clippers. I rarely watch professional basketball, or sports of any kind, so this was going to be a treat. (I have a strong sports deficiency in my brain. It's like an underdeveloped lobe of the brain. I don't really understand very well the nature of fouls in basketball either, but I do like all the movement.) So, batter up! Or whatever they say in basketball!

A wide variety of inexplicable mini-competitions during times out.

I messaged Corina Bianca, new Sacramento Kings Dancer and well-known local hip hop dancer, to alert her that we were coming, but alas, she was off for the night.

First quarter. It was fun watching the strategery.

Hip hop kids doing the hip hop thang.

Roundup time for those of us who are brandworthy.

Second quarter. We make lots of mistakes, they make lots of mistakes, we make even more mistakes....

Jim Boys Tacos were on sale! Yum! My favorite!

Fourth quarter.

Well, we got hammered: 110 - 101. Oh well! Next time!

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