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Monday, November 11, 2013

CBS' Conservative News Show, '60 Minutes', Tries To Skate By With An Apology

Isn't it time Lara Logan resigned?:
60 Minutes has a lot of explaining to do, and clearly isn't interested in doing so. The key question is why did the show base its entire story on the account of Davies, and not actually vet him with sources at the FBI? But there are other questions, like did Logan attempt to find sources to corroborate Davies' account? Did Davies ask to be paid for his story (beyond his book contract) like he did with Fox News (a demand that caused the Fox reporter to stop working with him)? How much influence does recent CBS News hire David Rhodes—a former Fox News executive—have at 60 Minutes? Why did 60 Minutes producers and editors allow Logan, who has a very clear and public political agenda on this issue, to run with it with apparently no fact checking?

Perceived personal political bias was enough for CBS to end Dan Rather's career after his story on then-candidate George W. Bush's national guard duty. Logan's story was far more harmful, not just to the families of the victims of Benghazi, but to national interests. CBS is so far refusing to acknowledge that, and refusing to hold itself and Logan accountable. An "apology" for being "misled" doesn't cover this huge journalistic malpractice, not by a long shot.
Here is Logan from last year, when her jihad against jihadism was in full bloom:

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