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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Albuquerque Rejects Late-Term Abortion Ban

Albuquerque has rejected a late-term abortion ban. It's been interesting to watch the pendulum of politics there over the decades. ABQ was comparatively-liberal in the 70's, but became increasingly conservative over the next 25 years, fueled, I think, by people trying to find spiritual remedies to cope with crime and family drug addiction problems. Now, the pendulum is swinging the other way, fueled by greater reliance on Hollywood. New Mexico has always had a rather colonial relationship with the rest of the country, and like a weather vane, is exceedingly sensitive to cultural currents elsewhere in society:
Voters on Tuesday rejected the measure 55 percent to 45 percent following an emotional and graphic campaign that brought in national groups and hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising. The campaign included protests that compared abortion to the Holocaust and displayed pictures of aborted fetuses.

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