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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The GOP Folds

And so, after having seized the creditworthiness of the USA (a hostage it couldn't shoot, by the way), thrown markets into chaos for weeks, presented an ever-changing and ever-growing list of non-negotiable demands, thrown a grand mal tantrum that was supposed to demonstrate its supposed fiscal maturity and rectitude (and also con the rubes out of fundraising money), the GOP folds. Like it was obvious weeks ago that they had to do.

And it will happen all over again in February, in just the same way, and maybe even worse, unless we get wise to this infantile behavior. It's important not just to celebrate the continued functioning of the US Government, but to actively humiliate Republicans for supporting this nonsensical approach to governing. Make them feel the burn of your contempt.

And now, Obama looks better:

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