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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

A Monster In Lake Tahoe

E.: MMMMAAAARRRCCC! I saw a monster in Lake Tahoe when Chris and I took a boat ride there last June.

M.: A monster?

E.: It made a big - what do you call those things like when something is swimming in the water?

M.: A ripple?

E.: Well, whatever, it made a big one! Then it went across the lake. Then I heard birds screaming and screaming over there! MMMMMAAAAARRRRCCC! It was horrible!

M.: Well, maybe it was something else. Like maybe an otter, or a beaver.

E.: What's a beaver?

M.: Well, it's like a Big Mouse with a big, flat tail. It can hit the water hard with its tail and make a big ripple.

E.: I don't think so. I'm sure it wouldn't go climbing trees and eating birds. I think it was a Giant Python.

M.: Snakes can swim!

E.: There were poisonous ones in the Philippines! MMMMAAAARRRRCCCC! I think there is a Giant Python in Lake Tahoe!

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