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Monday, October 14, 2013

10th Anniversary Meeting Of The 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Candidates

The discussion in Room 126 at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, after watching Jayson Haedrich’s documentary ‘Born to Run’ (aka ‘Gubernatorious’) on Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2013.

Hi all:

The 10th Anniversary meeting of the 2003 California Gubernatorial recall candidates at the State Capitol went well on Saturday. We had about eight candidates present, plus various friends.

We first met at the River City Brewing Company for lunch (Daniel Watts, Jon Zellhoefer, friend Adam Sartain, Cheryl Bly-Chester, Darrin Scheidle, and myself).

The candidates present at the State Capitol (with number guests indicated in parentheses) were:

Cheryl Bly-Chester
Jon Zellhoefer (who came in from Pahrump, NV)
Marc Valdez (3)
Darrin Scheidle (who came in from Las Vegas, NV)
Gerold Gorman
Leonard Padilla (3)
Daniel Watts (3)
Badi Badiozamani (who came in from San Diego, CA)

The total audience was about 17.

Afterwards, we ate at Bento Box for dinner (Jon Zellhoefer, Cheryl Bly-Chester, Gerold Gorman, Darrin Scheidle, and myself).

People were very complimentary about Jayson Haedrich’s documentary ‘Born to Run’ (aka ‘Gubernatorious’). Jon Zellhoefer said he liked the choices Jayson Haedrich made regarding what candidates to follow and what he showed in the documentary.

At general urging, I plan to start a Facebook page soon (called ‘The California 135’, at Darrin’s suggestion). Initially, members will be from the 2003 Recall candidates, but it will be an open page, so other people who share the broad general outlook of the Candidates’ Forum (for example, the importance of choices in politics, the need to work across partisan boundaries, the importance of active political involvement) can join.

Marc Valdez

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