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Wednesday, September 04, 2013


I maintain two blogs, with identical content. The primary blog gets about 200 page views per day; the secondary one gets maybe 20. 'Breaking Bad' is by far the most popular subject, but still, traffic is modest.

Except, on Sunday, the secondary blog got hammered by nearly 2,400 page views: a 12,000% increase. What happened?

I presented photos of my March 11th visit to a filming location (The Grove Restaurant). Folks participating in five separate 'Breaking Bad' fan forums are furiously gaming out possible BrBa series conclusions (plus one meta-commentary site), and separately trying to read possible futures based on the clothes worn by the actors. My photos are the equivalent of aluminum tubes in the high-stakes contest to see whose theory triumphs. I apparently placed myself in the direct path of an Internet stampede. Who knew there were so many fans?

Ain't the Internet grand?

Forum 1
Forum 2
Forum 3
Forum 4
Forum 5

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