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Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Madness Of Squirrels

I decided to water the embankment in front of my house at 1:10 a.m. (The sprinklers don't reach there and it's so nice and peaceful out.)

A fluttering caught the corner of my eye. It was a squirrel on the sidewalk. It was carefully, methodically, and relentlessly chasing its tail. Sometimes it would stop, wave its head side to side like it was disoriented, and then continue chasing its tail.

I was seriously-spooked by the possibility of illness or injury.

Last I saw the squirrel, it had tumbled down the embankment and was chasing its tail in the gutter. In the morning, I went out to find the squirrel - I figured it would be easy since it wasn't going anywhere - but it had vanished.

Gabe says it's a metaphor for my life: going around in circles. He also suggested: "It's like that marvelous Boris Karloff film, 'The Juggler of Our Lady' (1958). Remember that?:
Medieval times. A juggler has little success making a living; he puts on a hair shirt and becomes an ascetic, but attracts only other ascetics. Finally, in desperation, he becomes a monk. He visits the other monks, who all glorify the Lady with their skills: cooking, painting, sculpture, etc. He tries helping them, but botches it. A festival is held for the Lady, and each of the monks offers his gift, but the juggler has nothing. Frustrated, he juggles for her, all night, alone.
So, this is the gift of the squirrel?

I like the idea of a metaphor from the heavens the best:  going around in circles.

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