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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kathy McGrade - 9/11 Truther

Nostalgia time! Kathy McGrade attended NM Tech in Socorro, NM, the same time I was there (1974-75). She was, by far, the prettiest metallurgist in all of central New Mexico, and she had a fancy car too - a Corvette, or something like that - that we all envied. Now she is a well-known 9/11 Truther.

She bases her skepticism on the presence of metal microspheres in the building wreckage (although it occurs to me that those microspheres may simply have lingered from the original welding in 1971). I saw a convincing air pollution talk two years ago that described air quality monitoring at the Twin Towers that would have registered any trace of explosives present, had there been any present. They didn't register anything like that, so there is no reason to believe the 9/11 Truthers at all.

Still, it's nice to see what old schoolmates are up to.

Another former schoolmate, Dave Thomas, actually debated her publicly on the merits of her skepticism:
Having developed a reputation for my investigations of the Bible Code, the Roswell UFO incident, and other fringe beliefs, Tech officials asked me to present an opposing view at the upcoming event. The debate was on.

9/11 - Metallurgical Engineer, Kathy McGrade... by NLW911

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