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Friday, August 16, 2013

Congressman Tom McClintock Has Become A Gibbering Idiot

Whatever you thought of Tom McClintock's politics, there was no question that he used to be respected on both sides of the aisle, and in the news media, for his superior command of budgetary arcana.

Wha-a-a-a happened?

This response is a disgrace. There are plenty of crimes that don't require guns. If guns are the only criteria, maybe we can get rid of all crime by outlawing guns.

There also needs to be barriers to keep financial institutions from becoming mired in corruption, which they are bound to do otherwise, and the Glass-Steagall Act was a shining example of a simple law that worked perfectly fine, saving banks from running amok, and preserving people's savings, until Republicans and Democrats united under Clinton to shred it in the 90's. We have been in dire straits since then.

Sorry, McClintock used to be respectable. No longer. He's just another idiot.

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