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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Bring Out Yer Dead - West Nile Edition II

Yesterday, I wrote the West Nile people: "I'm writing to inform you that I missreported the location of the dead crow. It is not at 920, but rather, across from 911 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. I put it in a white plastic garbage plastic bag, but did not move it to a secure location, because I didn't really have one." (Plus, the last thing I wanted to do was take a potentially-diseased corpse home, which is a secure location, but which I've also been trying to keep Scrub-Jay-friendly.)

Today, the plastic bag disappeared, and presumably has been picked up by the West Nile people. But when I got home, I discovered a smushed pigeon at the bird feeding spot. I think it wasn't disease that got this bird: it just got unlucky, and got rolled over by a passing vehicle. I put it in a white plastic garbage bag and threw it in the trash.

A lot of dead bird issues lately.

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