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Monday, July 15, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Strikes Out Against Diet And Exercise

John writes:
Exercise is a liberal plot! Rush says so. So tell me why this guy still has an audience....
I reply:
Ha. Ha, ha, ha! ........ HA! HA! HA!

You know why this guy has an audience? Because he spews the most hilarious stuff, day in and day out!


Rush Limbaugh strikes out against the idea of diet and exercise! Because everything is politicized, you understand! And also inconvenient, apparently.

Choices in diet and exercise, like art and music, are often not very political. Ideologues like Rush, who believe everything is political, don't seem to get that.

1 comment:

  1. So basically: "Every health report you've ever heard is politically motivated and perpetuated by liberal zealots, but THIS health report that I'M referencing right now, which for once is actually convenient for me to believe, is the one health report that's actually true."
