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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Plane Crash In San Francisco

These things are scary. Two teenage girls from China perished, one of them possibly by a stupid accident on the ground. I wonder if fatigue is a factor? Those trans-Pacific flights are L-O-N-G! It was interesting watching Wolf Blitzer getting irritated on CNN about the slow flow of information. He couldn't believe there were 60, or so, people "unaccounted for" for the longest time. The fact that they might have a limited staff chasing several hundred highly-agitated people didn't seem to occur to him. Or that what counts for "accounted for" might be different for officials than for CNN. Wolf got snippy with aviation expert Patrick Smith when Smith seemed to imply that news coverage of disasters by cable networks isn't always top-notch. In general, a sub-standard performance by Wolf. Condolences to the families of the Chinese girls, who deserved much better:
The two teen girls were close friends, each looking forward to a summer trip to California to improve their English. Ye Mengyuan excelled at the piano, just as she did in her academics. Wang Linjia enjoyed calligraphy and, according to local media reports, her work at the school's TV and radio stations. Classmates since junior high, the girls often ate lunch with each other at school, and few were surprised that they chose to sit together on the 10-hour flight that led to their deaths Saturday.

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