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Monday, July 08, 2013

My Book Is Now Complete Regarding The 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election

And, at least in principal, is available for $20.00 from Amazon. A Kindle version is available too. I haven't tried to order them yet, so the exact procedure is still a mystery, but I will figure it out.

Now, the hard part: marketing!

I have a blurb regarding the book, and it goes like this:
Marc Valdez, one of the 135 official and 28 write-in candidates in the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election, relates the (sometimes) heartwarming political tale of how, when faced with media scorn, the multitude of obscure candidates for Governor banded together to enhance their visibility and advance each other's candidacies, despite vast differences in party, ideology, outlook, and temperament.

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