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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Maybe A Second Family Of Scrub Jays?

It seems like I'm going through a bit of deja vu from a few weeks ago. Lots of juvenile Scrub Jays in the hedges are begging their parents for food, same as a few weeks ago. And some signs of conflict too (although it's a little hard to distinguish conflict from juvenile roughhousing). I suspect a second family of Scrub Jays has moved into the neighborhood and are now competing over my food provisions. Are natural food supplies down? In any event, the only solution is to increase the food provision. More peanuts for everyone!

Several of J.S.'s Scrub Jays have died recently from West Nile virus. I pray that that distinct evil stays away from mine. Scrub Jay populations are down in my neighborhood in recent years, probably because of the virus, and we need to boost bird numbers.

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