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Monday, July 08, 2013

Mare Island Historic Park Museum

Mare Island Historic Park Museum

Life-size Polaris missile mockup dominates the park across from the museum.

As I recall from when studied this stuff as a teenager, the Polaris missiles were propelled from the submarine tubes from just under the surface by steam.  The solid fuel of the missiles was ignited once they cleared the surface.  Range:  1,600 miles for the first generation (later superseded by the Poseidon missiles).


The latest in WWII communications technologies.

A clandestine radio transmitter.

The Iwo Jima flag was made at Mare Island.

Racial history, with the Japanese and the African-Americans at Port Chicago, is given its due.

Hiring now!

A prosthetic leg.

A Mekong River Delta patrol boat.

Under construction - the control room of the submarine USS Vallejo.

More on the Vallejo.

Model of the USS Vallejo.

Figurehead from the USS Independence, War of 1812.

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