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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Farewell, Magnolia Tree

Back when Sherry and Gil lived next door, Sherry would take care of the strip between the apartments to the east, and my house, as if her own. When they moved away, the plants there suffered from lack of attention. Although the strip is technically mine, it is in the yard next-door, and rarely in view or mind. And with new, corporate-style management, care of the magnolia lagged. Which was OK, as long as the rains were plentiful, and regular.

But the rains weren't regular. December, 2012 was great, but the rest of the rainy season - January, February, and March - were singularly arid: the fourth-worst driest spring since records have been kept. And with lots of "Urinetown" rehearsals, I didn't check on what I never would have checked on anyway.

And so, the tree died.

And on Saturday, I cut it down and into pieces.

I'm sad for the tree. Drought is hard.

Just a stump left now....

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