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Monday, July 01, 2013

Cloudcroft Now Under The Gun

Now Cloudcroft is experiencing water problems:
CLOUDCROFT -- Cloudcroft is currently under the most intense water restrictions available under ordinance and the village is asking for cooperation from residents to ramp up conservation efforts.

According to a press release issued by the village, Cloudcroft faced a water crisis in 2004 when it was forced to truck in water for residents and filter surface runoff at "considerable cost."

On June 21-24, the village said, for the first time since 2004, that water use exceeded production capabilities.

The towns that seem to be having the worst trouble (e.g., Magdalena, Cloudcroft, and now I've heard even Las Vegas, NM) are not the ones with the most dire climate. Interesting. This drought is exposing every weakness. Every weakness. And after years of drought, there is no margin left. Things break from here on out, and they will break this year.

For the first half of the year, Albuquerque received 0.70 inches of rain. That's even less than arid Tonopah, NV, which clocks in with a miserly 0.95 inches.

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