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Monday, July 01, 2013

Almost Complete With Populating The Recall Book Index

One nice thing about the radical, new post-sleep era that I've now entered is that I've been able to work much harder on the Recall Book Index than I had first anticipated, so entering the data is nearly-complete. I'll likely finish by tomorrow. There are still some issues with the Index: single references when there should be cross references; duplicate entries, wonky categories, etc. So, there is still some editing to do, but will likely finish the manuscript and upload the manuscript by the end of this week. Then, the more esoteric stuff: designing a book cover, deciding how many to order, etc.

I cast the Recall book as a work in California history. It strikes me that an outsider might find it fairly-dull and altogether too-detailed reading, but there is a lively story there nonetheless, of how all the minor 2003 Recall election candidates, despite having very little in common, were forced by media scorn to work together to enhance their electoral prospects. A heartwarming tale, in a way, of how a diverse, excitable band of egocentric drama queens - not that much different than a musical theater group - found that common ground.

Regarding the inadequate sleep, I have several theories why that might be occurring, but one unfortunate fact is that the bedroom window closest to my head can catch that early, near-solstice, northeast light. It will be a few weeks before that moderates.

Very little blogging lately. Some DMTC work instead (house-managed yesterday). WordPress for the new blog has been inaccessible anyway until today. But blogging will pick up once the Index situation is fully under control.

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