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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Reid May Be Right

I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that Reid may be right. Do Democrats have off-year staying power? Well, do they? The drop off in 2010 voter turnout compared to 2008 suggests not. And the Dems are supposed to gamble their seats on turnout so fickle? Better to play defense. So, no big moves. It's a long game we are in - awaiting demographic changes that take years and years to manifest themselves. We need yet more Latino voters first.

There are plenty of dangers with this approach, of course, the big one being that the Republicans will use the nuclear option if they ever get the upper hand. Reid got past that once, however, and is confident he can do it again. If Democrats turn out in 2014 like 2012, no worries, but they'll HAVE to do so to stop this silly game. Reid is no fool. That is why he's in power and we aren't:
Senate Democrats, not just Reid, caved in January for a variety of reasons. Some wanted to avoid an acrimonious rule change on the eve of votes on immigration reform, gun control and a possible deficit deal, hoping to win significant Republican support for such legislation. Those senators believe in unicorns.

Others were said to fear giving up the minority party’s power to obstruct the majority party’s legislative agenda, because they fear Democrats will soon be in that minority. “Many Democrats are wary of such a change,” the Boston Globe reported on Tuesday, “because they could one day find themselves in the minority wishing they had unfettered filibuster power.”

Such cowardice of course is the best way to insure that Democrats will soon be in the minority. If they allow Republicans to obstruct the president’s agenda, Democrats should assume voters will see no reason to continue to elect Democrats to the White House or the Senate majority.

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