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Monday, June 03, 2013

Nice Profile On Sherrika Darnell

Sherrika is a friend from Step One, and lately she's been doing lights for Runaway Stage Productions:
As the 24th St. Theatre on-call technician, Sherrika Darnell has lit up our lives, and the lives of our theater renters, for the past two and half years. Many adults and children have had the thrill of performing for the first time on a stage with the help of Sherrika’s designing and operating the lights and sound for their productions.

...Some of the theater groups she’s worked with include Garbeau’s Dinner Theater, El Dorado Musical Theater and Runaway Stage Productions.

Sherrika says, “Anything I do in the theater and the dance world gives me an opportunity to let my creativity flow, and hopefully bring a smile to someone else, which in turn makes me smile. Life is about inspiring health and happiness.”

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