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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Big Banana

I understand the temptation:
An innocent carnival arcade game turned into a vicious cycle for Henry Gribbohm of Epsom, New Hampshire, who spent his entire life savings, only to walk away with a giant banana. ... “You just get caught up in that whole ‘I’ve got to win my money back,” said Gribbohm, who ultimately lost the game. However, he did return the the next day to plead his case, and the vendor agreed to give him back $600, along with a giant banana clad in a Rasta wig.
I read once, years ago, that the EU regulates the appearance of false bananas, including something like this, so that infants don't eat them. Americans aren't so fussy.

Anyway, I hope this fellow never visits a casino.  Bananas are just the beginning.

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