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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Classic Hook Echo

That tornado in Oklahoma City was the stuff nightmares are made of:


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The similarity of the two paths is striking as are the intensities of both. It may be coincidental but there does seem to be something of a pattern of huge tornadoes either passing through the southern part of the OKC metro or veering north and and passing to the northwest. Further, the smaller tornadoes which hit the northern part of the metro either remained small or dissipated rapidly. It makes me wonder if the extra heat generated by an urban area compared to surrounding countryside might exert some repellent force if the tornado is moving in a clockwise direction or an augumenting force if a counterclockwise movement begins.

  2. Interesting thought. Nevertheless, I doubt the city matters much, mostly because the winds were already pretty brisk when the tornado is generated, which enhances mixing in country as well as city. Hey, maybe I should process some met data and see what difference the surface assumptions make. Use some of my knowledge, for once.
